Your Career

Our values are core to our business. If you are able to contribute with yours to our common success, you could be the person we are looking for.


At FDLV, consultants are followed by managers whose role is to ensure the right satisfaction level of consultants. The doors are always open towards the partners for those who want to share new ideas. FDLV is a unique working place for development that enables everyone to increase their competences and their market recognition. 



Working At FDLV Means

Client dedication
Trustful and honest working relationships
Respect of our values

What We Do

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Are you ready for the next big step in your career?

FDLV is a unique employer. Its human values are omnipresent through its organisation. FDLV aims to promote all their employees to their best level. There are monthly events to share knowledge, competence centres that employees can join and extend.

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